Covid-19 Preventive actions taken by company

Current situation due to the Coronavirus
      The current situation caused by the Corona virus confronts all of us with great challenges. Our top priority is not only to ensure the safety and health of our employees, but also to ensure continuous delivery to our customers.

      As we have received many inquiries regarding the current status, please note the following:        Among the other actions, we are preparing for BACK UP plan in order to help some professions within the  industrial region, as the largest employer in Slovakia - Volkwagen has the plant in our town as well, and as you may know, there is production currently stopped.

Preventive actions against the spread of Coronavirus                                                

      Because your employees, or employees of the companies you work with, come into contact with our employees, we ask you to inform them about our company requirements as a preventive action against the spread of coronavirus.

      Fulfillment of these requirements will be strictly required and their non-compliance may be a reason for non-acceptance or non-production of goods.

      All visitors entering Aluprint s.r.o. premises are obliged to respect the following rules:
      We would also like to inform you that, as part of our internal guidelines for preventing the spread of COVID-19 issued to our employees, we have introduced the following restrictive actions in addition to the introduction of hygiene rules:
We believe that our active approach will help to minimize the impacts.

We will deal with this situation together.
Stay safe and healthy.
Aluprint team