Ethischer Kodex (EN Version)

Ethischer Kodex

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EN Version

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The company Aluprint operates in the field of printing and sale of labels and other wrapping materials. Being aware of its own position in the society, the company accepts the responsibility for its own actions and wants to be a good example for others.

The company Aluprint declares a commitment to respect all corporate values and generally accepted rules and principles of the conduct of business in all the activities.

Ethical conduct is of crucial importance for the long-term operation and the economic interests of the company Aluprint, and is a manifestation of accountability to all the company partners. Respecting the ethics has at the same time the importance for the cultivation of the economic system. It has also a beneficial effect on society as a whole.

The good name of the company Aluprint and the trust of all stakeholders are the most important values which are available to Aluprint. Their protection is a priority task of the company Aluprint and each employee of the company.

All employees of the company Aluprint shall be obliged to act in accordance with this Code of ethics to maintain a high moral standard in business and work behaviour and to create the work environment of trust and respect.

The rules for performance of the work for the cooperation, relations, including the relations between management and employees, are specified in this code. They are derived from the values of the company Aluprint, as well as requirements for all employees and specific requirements for managers.

This code is the result of a team work of the staff of the company Aluprint.

Relations with customers

  • Honest and fair access to customers, meeting their needs and interests, are preconditions for a successful and lasting business relationship.
  • Conduct in relation to customers is discreet, polite, without any preference, prejudice and discrimination. The Company Aluprint shall undertake to use only legitimate business methods and the information obtained from customers shall be deemed to be confidential.
  • The company Aluprint shall ensure to produce high-quality, durable and safe products, complying with the established national and international standards.
  • The company Aluprint shall take care of providing the widest possible guarantee and after guarantee service in order to maintain a high satisfaction of customers.
  • Company Aluprint provides timely, complete, unbiased, accurate and understandable information about its products and services. The company shall not commit spreading untruth, concealing information, exaggeration in advertising and other public appearances.

Relations with suppliers and creditors

  • Relations with suppliers and creditors are based on mutual trust and respect.  All information on the relations of the company Aluprint and its suppliers are considered to be confidential.
  • The company Aluprint shall not abuse its position on the market. It shall create equal conditions for all of its business partners, while respecting the requirements of customers.
  • The company Aluprint shall undertake to create a safe work environment for its business partners and their employees, staying at the premises of the company Aluprint. At the same time they shall be required to comply with all safety regulations applicable in the company Aluprint.
  • The Company Aliuprint shall undertake to comply with the agreed terms and conditions of contracts. If the company Aluprint is not able to meet the requirements agreed due to exceptional circumstances, it shall start negotiations with a trading partner as soon as possible in order to find an alternative and mutually acceptable solution.
  • The company Aluprint shall give credible guarantees and true information about economic conditions in the company to its creditors and commit itself to the effective appreciation of invested capital.
  • The employees of the company Aluprint must not accept any financial presents or other kickbacks from business partners.

Relations with competitors

  • The company Aluprint respects the laws and rules that regulate competitive relations. It shall treat competitors fairly, in accordance with the good manners of competition.
  • The company Aluprint shall not attempt to get information about the business of competitors by unfair and illegal ways (such as industrial espionage, bribery, or any other unfair way).
  • The company Aluprint shall not apply any form of unfair competition.

Relations with the national authorities, the region and the company

  • The company Aluprint shall undertake to act as a socially responsible citizen in relation to the State and governmental bodies, local authorities, the region and the whole society and to provide them with accurate and timely information.
  • The company Aluprint shall meet the conditions arising from the founding charter, respecting the law and acting only in accordance with the applicable legislation.
  • The company shall pay taxes regularly. It shall not knowingly commit tax evasion and, it shall observe the transparency of all financial transactions. The company shall respect all legal provisions against money laundering.
  • The company Aluprint shall contribute to the economic growth and raising the standard of living in the region and the whole society.
  • The company Aluprint shall support sport, health in the region and society, as well as cultural, moral, educational, technical and infrastructure development through its sponsorship activities.
  • Aluprint company shall undertake to spread the good name of the region and country through its activities.
  • Neither Aluprint, nor any of its employees shall use corporate funds to provide direct or indirect contributions to political parties, candidates or groups in the country where the company operates.
  • The company Aluprint shall undertake to provide the public with complete, comprehensive, regular and accurate information about its activities and plans. The company shall systematically develop forthcoming, highly professional and ethical media relations.

Relationship with the environment

  • The company Aluprint consciously follows the concept of sustainable development in the environmental field and helps to protect programmes in the field of the environmental development and protection in the region.
  • The company Aluprint, aware of the specific nature of printing production, shall put emphasis on health protection and safety of producers, consumers and other public bodies in its activities.
  • The company Aluprint shall respect the applicable technological and environmental standards and promote the adoption of more demanding standards to reduce negative environmental impacts in all its activities.
  • The company Aluprint shall undertake to inform the public about its environmental program and its fulfilment.

Relations in international business

  • The company Aluprint shall behave responsibly in international trade and investment. It shall respect the legislation in force in the host country.
  • The company Aluprint shall contribute to the economic prosperity and development of the host country and respect its traditions and culture.
  • The company Aluprint shall respect the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights in each of its foreign companies and commit itself to implement uniform methods and achieve high moral standards in the countries with different business practice.

Relations in the company

Respect to humans - the basis of human relations in the company
  • The relations with employees and between employees as well as between superiors and subordinates in the company Aluprint are based on respect for the dignity of every person and respect for fundamental human rights in the spirit of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
  • Every employee is required to create an atmosphere of mutual respect, trust, solidarity and cooperation - team work, without which it is not possible to achieve long-term superior financial results.
  • The company Aluprint will not tolerate any physical, psychological or sexual harassment. The company shall not accept any form of abuse, humiliation, bullying and dishonour of the human person, or discrimination.
  • Every employee of the company shall be responsible for his/her actions, which is also reflected in the consistent fulfilling responsibilities. An employee should behave well to colleagues, not making the work more difficult and allowing their own initiative without creating obstacles at work.
  • The company success is based on the professionalism of its employees. They are expected to act actively and purposefully and to seek and make use of the possibilities of improving their own work and performance. Anyone who thinks that he/she can contribute to the improvement in any field of ​​society, has the right to be heard and to receive feedback on their proposals.
Decent work
  • Aluprint company shall receive personnel and directs their career based on their qualifications for a job, without any racial, religious or ethnic discrimination, regardless of colour, gender, age, marital status, sexual orientation.
  • The company Aluprint shall pay attention to professional and personal development of its employees. The company shall undertake to create conditions for the development of knowledge, skills and abilities of its employees corresponding to current and future needs of the company. Employees are expected to use these opportunities actively.
  • The company Aluprint shall undertake to conduct a fair remuneration policy, without any discrimination. Method of remuneration should reflect the individual results, the activity and the importance of working position in relation to the economic results of the Company.
  • The company Aluprint shall undertake to respect objective criteria and fundamental ethical norms when laying off.  The process of dismissal from posts must be lawful, announced in time, based on the fundamental psychological knowledge and must not hurt human dignity.
  • The company Aluprint shall undertake to create hygienically harmless, safe working environment. The employees shall be obliged to follow all safety rules in order not to endanger themselves, co-workers, other persons or to cause material damages.
  • The company Aluprint shall take care of high level of social and health care for their employees, as well as former employees who went into retirement.
Ethics of communication, dissemination and protection of information
  • The management of the company shall create a space for the free expression of own opinion of each employee without risking intimidation or sanctions.
  • The management of the company Aluprint shall undertake to explain its aims and objectives as well as the importance of individual actions and activities, to promote active communication and mobilize employees to enhance their work performance and overall company performance. Particular attention is paid to the preparation of employees for changes in the company Aluprint.
  • The company Aluprint shall support a cultured communication not only between the individual employees, but also between the different departments of the company. Intentional concealing of information that could contribute to improving the quality of work is considered to be morally unacceptable.
  • All employees of the company Aluprint are required to protect information belonging to the company or related to its business activities. Such information shall be considered to be confidential, it may only be used for business purposes and never for personal goals. The Employees, who leave the company Aluprint, must continue to protect information belonging to the company.
Protecting the company reputation and property
  • Every employee of the company is acting not only as a private individual, but also as a representative of the company. Therefore, each employee shall pay attention to the company reputation and protect its interests in public.
  • Every employee shall be required to protect the mental and physical assets of the company. Phones, faxes, electronic mail, as well as all of the computer equipment, hardware and software, shall be used principally for business purposes with the exception of necessary cases. Other special equipment is used according to the established rules.
  • The company Aluprint shall undertake to respect the copyright and require the same attitude from their trading partners in relation to the documents and materials of the company Aluprint. It is allowed to use only legally purchased software in the company Aluprint.
  • An employee of the company Aluprint shall not appropriate or confer the company property without permission. Illegal appropriation of the company property or its use for personal purposes or foreign need without explicit permission shall be considered to be as serious as direct theft and may lead to the termination of employment. Paid working time of an employee shall also be deemed to be the property of the company, which should not be used for personal use without proper permission.
Conflicts of Interest
  • Employees of the company Aluprint shall not offer and accept any bribe. All are required to observe the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law.
  • Every employee of the company Aluprint shall solve his/her private interests in the financial, business fields or other activities carried out outside the company Aluprint in order to avoid an actual or potential conflict of interest. These activities must be in accordance with the laws and internal regulations of the company Aluprint. An employee must not abuse resources of the workplace, his/her position in the company Aluprint, nor endanger the reputation of the company in this activities.
  • None employee of the company Aluprint in the financial, commercial field, or other activity carried on by him/her or his/her relatives outside the company Aluprint, shall benefit or profit from the information obtained within the framework of his/her duties and responsibilities in the company Aluprint, and which is not generally available.
  • An employee of the company Aluprint may do business, which is identical with the subject of activity of the company, only with its prior written consent.
Dispute settlement ethics
  • The employees of the company shall behave that way so as to prevent disputes. However, in the event of a dispute or conflict in the workplace, they shall solve it in a refined manner, without use of violence, through dialogue with the participation of all parties involved.
  • The participants of conflict shall prevent from developing the personal conflicts into their personal animosity.
  • In the event of a serious dispute in the company Aluprint, the participants of conflict must show their responsibility and use all the possibilities of negotiation, in order to ensure a continuous operation of the company.

Ethical responsibility of management

  • The managers of the company Aluprint shall be models of behaviour and action for other employees of the company. They shall not shuffle off responsibility arising from their position in the company. They shall observe the rules of management ethics and their professional honour.
  • The managers of the company shall regard employees as co-workers. They shall prepare the conditions for them in order to be able to make effective use of their potential, paid work time, to accept their responsibilities and contribute to the development of the company Aluprint in a creative way. They shall create a positive working atmosphere.
  • The managers of the company shall effectively use available resources, including the potential of human resources. In connection with this, they can apply the principles of delegation of responsibility, powers and information in a high degree.
  • The managers of the company Aluprint shall continuously develop relationships with the internal and external groups on the basis of partnership. They shall promote togetherness and loyalty of employees to the company and their interest in its prosperity using the appropriate methods.
  • The managers of the company Aluprint shall undertake to provide regular, comprehensive and accurate information to their co-workers. At the same time they shall verify whether the information provided by them found their recipients. They shall speak about problems with complete frankness and know to find their creative solutions.
  • The managers of the company Aluprint shall convince people to fulfil goals of the company. They shall be able  to lead and motivate them effectively. They shall perceive changes as opportunities to the growth of the prosperity of the company. They are able enthuse people for that.
  • The managers of the company shall ensure the staffing in the company Aluprint through the preparation of personnel. They had to be replaceable for the most important positions, and the knowledge has also to be extended and maintained.
  • The managers of the company are required to familiarise employees with the values and requirements laid down in this Code of ethics and to train them to its observance. They shall be obliged to set a good example in its respect. They are also required to create an environment that is socially just and in which it is possible to develop a dialogue in order to avoid an infringement of this code.

Final provisions

  • The company Code of ethics shall apply to all managers and employees of the company Aluprint, as well as to other persons acting on behalf of the company Aluprint. All are required to observe the code of conduct, to act in accordance with its provisions, and to support him.
  • All employees of the company Aluprint need to be aware that any violation of ethical standards set out in the code of ethics will be considered as misconduct.
  • The employees are required to disclose a breach of this code. The information shall be submitted to direct supervisor, which represents the typical procedure. However, if an employee feels that under the given conditions it is not appropriate, he/she may submit the information to the next higher superior according to the organizational structure. The Information can be submitted at any time orally, in writing, by email, by phone.
  • The immediate supervisor is required to deal with the the information regarding the breach of the Code of ethics and adopt the solution. If he/she consider it, he/she can turn to his/her supervisor or the management of the company Aluprint.
  • The identity of the persons submitting the information of the suspicion of infringement of the Code of ethics is kept secret as far as possible.  No reprisals shall be directed against employees who announced the suspicion of infringement of the Code of ethics.
  • Disciplinary action or its absence does not exclude the action of bodies active in the field of criminal proceedings in the case of suspicion of committing an offense or crime.
  • Comments on the content and structure of the Code of ethics of the company Aluprint shall be submitted to the management of the company Aluprint.

The pillars of the company Aluprint

The values that we believe in
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Long-term partnerships
  • success of the company based on professionalism of employees and teamwork
  • Perfection in the performance of all activities
  • Results of work
  • Changes as an opportunity
Employee of the company Aluprint
  • shall believe in its future and associate it with the company Aluprint
  • shall be responsive to customer needs
  • shall communicate openly communicate and be willing to cooperation
  • shall be top expert in his post
  • shall develop its capabilities
  • shall hand over his/her knowledge and experience to colleagues
  • shall act purposefully, independently and think as a team
  • shall search for opportunities to improve things and own performance
  • shall carry out his/her working duties responsibly and consistently
Manager of the company Aluprint
  • shall win people for accomplishing goals
  • shall lead and motivate people effectively and be responsible for their awareness and knowledge
  • shall communicate effectively with his/her environment and create a positive working atmosphere
  • shall delegate authority and responsibility and use creative solutions
  • shall speak about problems with complete frankness and know to find their creative solutions
  • shall see changes as a normal part of life and be able to convince people to perform changes
  • shall use available resources effectively
  • shall develop his/her colleagues, create opportunities for their professional growth